
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


BMNW extraordinary project and program always FREE to students through the kindness of individuals and community grants we are a 501c3 nonprofit organization please give today any amount as small as $3.00 can make a major impact showing the students we all care. 

For many years our goal has been to bring awareness and positively impact the lives of countless individuals through our carefully designed programs with mental health being the main focus point, with input from top educators along with mental health specialist to help ensure we create a movement that fosters the spirit of unity and friendship among students. It’s our continuous goal to empower and inspire students everywhere. Check out our programs below.

Bully Me? No Way!!!
“Join the Movement” Clubs

To start BMNW Clubs in schools, neighborhoods, and even in your homes, you only need a group as small as 2 people or as big as you can make it. You start by making a pledge and keeping a lookout for each other. Promise to never keep a secret if anybody’s getting hurt.


When you look at me you see greatness looking back at you. I pledge to keep a look out for all my club members and if I ever see or hear of anyone being afraid or bullied, I will get help but also not leave them alone and together we will walk away.

For extra ideas on doing community service to help others, reach out to Super Love Boy and The Team at anytime. You can post your good deeds at #BULLYMENOWAY.

T.A.C.S. Programs

We offer our T.A.C.S. = Technology Achievement and Cyber Safety programs to inner city communities to Junior and Senior high school students. This gives students the opportunity to be introduced to the latest technology, such as programming, coding, designing and developing websites, graphic design, videography classes along with cyber safety tips and more. Each workshop can consist of a 10-week  intensive session, taught by an expert in their respective field. These workshops are always FREE to students through community grants. Students are selected through an invitation and teacher recommendation. Our project program can consist of but are not limited to a 10-week session (offered on weekends and through the Summer months). Unfortunately, our upcoming scheduled workshops have been canceled until further notice due to the COVID-19 virus and safety concerns.


Let’s get the whole family involved. Take the BE KIND AND SHINE CHALLENGE. Be kind to anyone, from a neighbor or a frontline worker, a teacher, a friend or others. Do something nice, say something kind. Upload your “Act of Kindness over Acts of Violence” and post it under #BULLYMENOWAY.

We are all in this together. Super Love Boy believes in diversity. Everyone is of value. POWERFUL BEING YOU. YOU BEING POWERFUL. Together we are more than enough. Bullying, violence, guns, hatred and killings have to FLEE. Together we are not going to let it be.


How would you like to be a Superhero yourself and you don’t have to wear a cape. The only thing it takes is, if you see something, say something and save the day. In return you could be eligible for gift cards and more.

Through our IT PAYS TO SAY program, it’s easy as 1-2-3 (SEE IT, REPORT IT, IT PAYS TO SAY IT).

Never stand on the sidelines watching. Get HELP. If no help is around, write down the time, date, place and what happened. Never be afraid to call 911 It could be the difference in someone receiving help immediately.

Also, take your concern to a teacher, principal, counselor, parents, guardian or a trusted adult.

If you or someone you know are in a crisis and need someone to talk to, there is a 24-hour HOTLINE with trained counselors (It’s FREE). Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255).

Please note: The Hot Line is not a part of BMNW, but another organization that’s there to help you if needed. You are NOT ALONE (The key for help is to tell someone).